
风林火山 - 源自东方的抽象 | 五月画会


Fifth Moon Group



Photo of partial members of Fifth Moon Group on their 2nd exhibition

左起:顾福生 刘国松 郭东荣 黄显辉 陈景容

From the left : Gu Fu-sheng, Liu Kuo-sung, Kuo Tong-Jong, Huang Xian-hui, and Chen Ching-Jung


Copyright©2016–2019 The Liu Kuo-sung Archives © The Li Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation



In 1961, the 5th Fifth Moon Exhibition was hold in Taipei Xinsheng News Building, partial members sitting in front of Han Hsiang-Ning's work.

左起:郭东荣 刘国松 庄喆 顾福生  韩湘宁 胡其中 冯钟睿

From the left:Kuo Tong-Jong, Liu Kuo-sung, Chuang Che, Ku Fu-Sheng, Han Hsiang-Ning, Hu Chi-Chung, Fong Chung-Ray

图片来源于网络 Image from the Internet



The pamphlet of the first exhibition of Fifth Moon Group


Copyright©2016–2019 The Liu Kuo-sung Archives © The Li Ching Cultural and Educational Foundation





"Back then all the members of Fifth Moon Group are new and fresh blood at the market. Confident, passionate, and they are cutting-edge artists, they are unstoppable, which shocked the conservative Taiwan art scene."

—— Pai Hsien-yung

Taiwanese litterateur, playwright

Encouraged by Liao Chin-Chun, the professor of Taiwan Normal University, the artist Liu Kuo-sung together with his alumni of the Department of Fine Arts in Taiwan Normal University founded the Fifth Moon Group in 1957. It is one of the most important avant-garde art groups in Taiwan’s art history. The name Fifth Moon (Chinese name: Wu Yue, meaning May) showed that the group intended to learn the experimental initiatives from Salon de Mai of Paris, and planned to hold their exhibitions regularly in May every year. Fifth Moon Group as well as Eastern Painting Group promoted the transformation of Taiwanese art from a classical conservative style to modern art.

The founders of Fifth Moon Group including Liu Kuo-sung, Kuo Yu-Lun, Kuo Tong-Jong, Lifang, etc., and later joined by Ku Fu-Sheng, Huang Xianhui, Chuang Che, Hao Ma, Lee Yung-Han, Shaih Lifa, Han Hsiang-Ning, Peng Wan-Chih, Hu Chi-Chung, Fong Chung-Ray, Chen Ching-Jung, Cheng Chung-chuan, Liao Chi-Chun, Sun To-Ze, Yuyu Yang, Chen Ting-Shih and other artists. In the beginning of its establishment, the group advocated against the traditional ink paintings and the impressionistic paintings. The group tried to respond to the modernist trend of the West with the Chinese tradition as the foundation, and to explore in the form of Chinese modern painting. Fifth Moon Group had become a pioneer in Taiwan's modern art scene due to its bold painting styles, fresh subjects and concepts as well as techniques.



刘国松作品  Work by Liu Kuo-sung


Image from a private collection

郭豫伦作品  Work by Kuo Yu-Lun

图片来源于网络  Image from the Internet

郭东荣作品  Work by Kuo Tong-Jong


Collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

李芳枝 Lifang (1933-) 抽象 Abstract 

布面油画 Oil on Canvas  46.5x78.8cm  



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

顾福生作品  Work by Ku Fu-Sheng

高雄市立美术馆典藏  Collection of Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts

庄喆 Chuang Che(1934-) 风晓映翠 Emerald Morning 

布面丙烯 Acrylic on Canvas  132x172.5cm  



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

马浩作品  Work by Hao Ma

图片来源: www.itsfun.com.tw/

Image from www.itsfun.com.tw/

李元亨作品  Work by Lee Yung-Han 

图片来源:全球华人艺术网  Image from the Artlib

谢里法作品  Work by Shaih Lifa


Image from Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts

韩湘宁 Han Hsian-Ning(1939-)

雨水非水墨 19 The Rain, Not Ink 19 

微喷输出、布面丙烯 Inkjet Output, Acrylic on Canvas

98x98cm 2018


Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

彭万墀作品  Work by Peng Wan-Chih


Image from the Official Website of Taiwan Normal University 

冯钟睿 Fong Chung-Ray (1934-) 2019-7-18 

布面综合材料 Mixed Media on Canvas 

167.5x127cm 2019


Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

陈景容作品  Work by Chen Ching-Jung

图片来源: 陈景容数位美术馆  

Image from Chen Ching-Jung Digital Art Museum

郑琼娟作品  Work by  Cheng Chung-chuan

图片来源: 静宜大学艺术中心  

Image from the Art Center of Providence University

廖继春作品  Work by Liao Chi-Chun

图片来源: 亚洲艺术中心  Image from Asia Art Center 

孙多慈作品  Work by Sun To-Ze


Image from www.epochtimes.com 

杨英风 Yuyu Yang(1926-1997)

东西门 East West Gate 

不锈钢 Stainless Steel 52.5x89x89cm 



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  

陈庭诗 Chen Ting-Shih (1913-2002)

昼与夜 #49-#52  Day and Night #49-#52 

甘蔗板版画 Print (Bagasse Boards)  181x30cmx4 



Exhibited in Zeigeist: Abstract Art of Eastern Origin at Asia Art Center (Beijing)  


 "风林火山 — 源自东方的抽象”  亚洲艺术中心(北京)


“风林火山-源自东方的抽象”展览现场 亚洲艺术中心(北京)2019

View on Zeitgeist: Abstract of Eastern Origin  at Asia Art Center (Beijing), 2019

“五月画会” 作品   Artworks by Fifth Moon Group

正在展出 Current Exhibition

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《风林火山-源自东方的抽象》

即将展出 Upcoming Exhibition

亚洲艺术中心(北京) 《青烟-李真新作展》

